This download is a sample version of this product. The full product is part of the Secondary Biology, Chemistry, and Physics subscription plans on this site.
18 complete investigative assignments featuring superb animation that develop and assess students’ ability to:
1. Identify independent and dependent variables.
2. Design fair tests.
3. Assess the reliability and validity of qualitative and quantitative data.
4. Present, analyse and interpret data.
5. Draw conclusions.
Disclaimer: This is a legacy product and may be outdated, potentially resulting in incorrect or impaired functionality. Please be aware that the download provided is only compatible with Windows computers and is not intended for handheld mobile devices or Apple Mac computers.
• Choosy woodlice
• Dandelions on a lawn
• Investigating the growth of yeast
• Measuring heights
• Testing for starch in plant
• Cooling distilled water and salt water
• Displacement of metals
• Forming compounds from atoms
• Indigestion tablets
• Particle theory
• Self-heating coffee cans
• Fish scales and Hooke’s law
• Measuring angles of incidence and reflection
• Principles of moments
• Series and parallel circuits
• The strength of electromagnets
• Weighing objects on the Earth, Moon and in deep space
.ZIP (compressed) 1.285 MB
January 2010
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