
Student Environmental Reporter Program

Explore, Investigate, and Make a Difference

Welcome to Curriculum Press's Student Environmental Reporter Program – your gateway to transforming passion into impactful journalism. If you're a student with a keen interest in environmental issues, we invite you to be part of a unique opportunity to investigate and report on the topics that matter to you.

How to Participate

1. Choose Your Focus: Select the environmental issue you are passionate about investigating.

2. Tell Us Your Story: Share why this issue matters to you and how you envision creating an impact through your reporting.

3. Apply for the Bursary: Let us know what resources you need, whether it's for travel, equipment, or other necessities to bring your story to life.

Bursary Details

Financial Support: We offer three £500 bursaries annually to support your investigative projects.

Flexible Usage: Use the bursary funds for travel, equipment, research expenses, or any other crucial aspects of your reporting.

Publication Opportunities: Your findings will be published, providing a platform for your work and helping you kickstart your career in environmental journalism.

Application Form

Curriculum Press is excited to receive your applications. Together, let's make a difference and contribute to the mission of saving our planet.

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