
493. The Geopolitics of the Seas and Oceans, Part 2: Resources and Exclusive Economic Zones EEZs


As discussed in GeoFactsheet 487, Geopolitics of the Seas and Oceans, Part 1: Shipping Routes & Choke Points, maritime zones are integral to globalisation, global trade, and the global economy. As such, maritime zones are crucial sources of power and wealth for nation states and also sources of potential conflict.

This Geography Factsheet aims to scrutinise further the geopolitical issues around maritime zones, including governance of maritime zones, tension and cooperation in Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), and unequal power relations and global systems.

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Publication Date

January 2025


ISSN: 1351-5136

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493 The Geopolitics of the Seas and Oceans Part 2

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