

This download is a sample version of this product. The full product is part of the “Primary” subscription plan on this site.

Save Yourself from Doom is a quick fire, interactive mental maths resource which can be played against the computer or against another player.

Randomly selected banks of questions covering each of the seven strands from the renewed Numeracy framework and covering levels 1-5 of the National Curriculum ensure that your pupils will be continually consolidating their Mathematical knowledge and skills, and challenging themselves too.

The animated scenarios will capture the children’s interest and provide a stimulus to succeed, whether to beat the computer or another player.

Ideally used as part of a mental maths warm-up at the beginning of a lesson, the games could also be used as self-assessment and revision.

Disclaimer: This is a legacy product and may be outdated, potentially resulting in incorrect or impaired functionality. Please be aware that the download provided is only compatible with Windows computers and is not intended for handheld mobile devices or Apple Mac computers.

Download Type

.SWF (flash) 655.787 KB

Publication Date

January 2010

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The materials published on this website are protected by the Copyright Act of 1988. No part of our online resources may be reproduced or reused for any commercial purpose, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior permission of Curriculum Press Ltd.

Ks2 Maths Save Yourself From Doom Demo

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