
Students, Parents and Home Educators

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By Kevin Byrne - Founder and Director @ Curriculum Press
Posted 10/08/2018 - Updated 11/12/2023


Most of our resources aim to do one of two things:

  1. Help you understand the hard bits of your subject.
  2. Show you exactly what type of exam questions come up on any topic, what the answers are and why students lost marks on them recently.

Our Factsheets cover just about every topic imaginable in A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. They combine the essential facts with past exam-style questions. Our Factsheets in Psychology, Sociology and Media Studies try to provide more up-to-date case studies than can be found in the textbooks. Our Geography Factsheets try and do all of the above!

Our Questions and Answers for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, and Geography are great for testing whether you really understand topics and can apply that knowledge to exam questions. If you want to get into the mind of the examiners who will, let’s face it, decide whether you get the grades you need, then our Exam Doctor PowerPoints are great for that!

Finally, whilst we would love you to purchase resources from our site – and we believe it is a genuinely excellent investment – don’t forget that there is a huge amount of excellent free stuff out there. In preparation for passing an exam or getting the A grade, the best resources – past exam papers, mark schemes (the answers!) and the Chief Examiner’s Reports (tells you what students got wrong = what is going to come up again in future exams!) are mostly free on the exam board websites.

Whether you buy anything from us or not, you’d be mad not to get these resources (website details below).

Good Luck in the Exams!

Exam Boards:

AQA: http://www.aqa.org.uk
Edexcel: http://www.edexcel.com/
OCR: http://www.ocr.org.uk/
Scottish: http://www.sqa.org.uk/
WJEC: http://www.wjec.co.uk/


If you have reached this page you probably want to help your child / grandchildren succeed in their exams. We have a rapidly growing range of products that aim to do just these things.

At KS1 and KS2, we believe learning should be fun, challenging but user-controlled. In KS2 Maths Save Yourself From Doom, our mental maths game, it is the child who sets the level of difficulty and the doom that they are trying to avoid. I learned arithmetic by having my dad deal cards at me requiring me to add them up faster than he could deal. It worked, but such techniques may not work with every child now. You’ll find lots of resources employing cutting-edge technologies in our Primary section.

Whilst we passionately believe that learning should be fun, we know that, at the end of the day, hard-nosed tests determine futures. Hence: KS2 Science End of Unit Tests, GCSE and A level Specimen Questions and Markschemes and our Exam Doctor PowerPoints.

For A level students, our best-selling Factsheets provide one-stop-shops for individual topics. They provide the facts, explain the principles, show students the kind of exam questions that they are likely to face (with the answers) and tell them where last year’s students went wrong on that topic. We believe that they are our single best resource.

Check them out. You can download them instantly.

As we said in the Students section above, whether you buy anything from us or not, you’d be mad not to get the past exam papers etc. from the relevant exam board websites. Note: It is amazing how many students don’t actually know which exam board they are doing... If they don’t know, you can usually find it on the school website. Any queries, please don’t hesitate to call us.

Exam Boards:

AQA: http://www.aqa.org.uk
Edexcel: http://www.edexcel.com/
OCR: http://www.ocr.org.uk/
Scottish: http://www.sqa.org.uk/
WJEC: http://www.wjec.co.uk/

Home Educators

As an ex - teacher, Principal and Chief Examiner, I am disappointed if you believe that the system is failing you and your children. But I understand that it might. Home educating is a huge challenge but entirely understandable in some circumstances and a brilliant opportunity in any. Please contact us if you think our existing resources could be of use, if you have developed resources that schools would love or if you want tailor-made resources.

In education there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all.

Kevin Byrne

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