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To succeed in this topic, you need to:
Be familiar with how the dissociation of ionic solids in water leads to the formation of aqueous solutions.
Be aware that ionic substances display different solubilities and an insoluble ionic compound formed in solution will appear as a precipitate.
Be familiar with enthalpy and enthalpy profile diagrams to illustrate enthalpy change.

After working through this Chemistry Factsheet, you will:
Be able to describe the thermodynamic principles involved when observing the solubility of ionic compounds forming aqueous solutions.
Be able to describe the dynamic equilibrium formed between a solute in the solid state and its dissociated ions.
Be able to describe the criteria for precipitation and the common ion effect.

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Publication Date

January 2020


ISSN: 1351-5136

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304 Solubilty Products and Precipitates v2

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